Doing What Matters .org

Using time and resources where it matters.

Our purpose is to help people thrive through forming meaningful relationships, enjoying fun events, learning together, and helping others.

Fun Events

Learning Together

We connect people with resources to address any need. Our trusted network has professionals ready to help.

We also offer classes on core topics.

Flexible Class Formats

Did you know?

Extreme Poverty

More than 734 million people live on less than $3 a day. That is more than double the entire United States population of 332 million.

Food and Water

828 million people are unsure of where their next meal is coming from. 771 million people lack access to safe water. 

Source: and

Generous Planned Giving

We connect the generous giving of individuals, families, and organizations with partners that are changing the world.

Volunteer Your Time

Ask about partners that offer hands-on experiences where you can get involved with the causes that you are passionate about.